Registration Coordinator and Lead Educator

Butterfly Pavilion // August 2022 - January 2023

Registration Coordinator

Coordinated the scheduling of education programs both on-site and off-site. This involved communicating with teachers about logistics and making sure the program they were choosing was the best option for what they needed. Provide school group numbers to education staff so they were aware of the number of school kids that were on site each day and to make sure everything was setup for their onsite or offsite classes. Also in charge of greeting and orienting school groups when they would arrive for field trips. I developed “Book of Stats” to better understand our education reach and efficacy, as well as provide analysis on areas of growth for the education programs. This database was designed to better understand the impact of the education department and what areas we can grow into as we move forward and develop.

Lead Educator

Worked as interpreter within exhibits talking to and educating guests about the animals on display. Delivered daily education programs for audiences of varying size and age covering a wide range of topics. Taught onsite and offsite classes for all ages. Ran tables and booths at fairs and community days. Mentored new staff in wildlife interpretation and trained staff to teach the onsite and offsite classes we offered. Certified to handle tarantulas with guests as a way to connect them with “creepy crawlies”.


Education Assistant


Environmental Educator